When it comes to the upkeep of your home, a roof inspection probably ranks right up there with getting your septic tank cleaned out. Unfortunately, putting this chore off can have just as damaging, albeit not quite as pungent, consequences.
A regular inspection of your roof is necessary and important to catch problems early, which can save you costly repairs later down the road, as well as lengthen the lifespan of your roof, thus extending the amount of time before you need to replace it.
Regular roof checks also ensure your house, and everything in it (including your family!) remains protected. Those are some pretty big reasons not to keep pushing that roof inspection to the bottom of your to-do list!
So, without further ado, here’s a complete homeowner’s roof inspection checklist. Keep it handy and use it annually to keep your roof and home safe and sound.
Inside Roof Inspection
Before you head outside, take a look around at your ceiling and walls. Do you see any dark stains or circles? These are water spots and a sure sign you have a leak somewhere. Check the attic for mold or additional dark areas which indicate that moisture is coming in through the decking under your roof.
Another warning sign to look for is sagging between rafters. If you see light coming through anywhere while you’re inspecting your roof from the inside, you definitely have a hole in your roof that needs immediate repair. You should also check to make sure your roof’s ventilation is clean and clear.
What to look for:
- Water damage — dark spots or circles
- Mold
- Sagging ceiling/decking in attic
- Light coming in through attic rafters
- Obstructions in roof ventilation
Outside Roof Inspection
View From the Ground
Start by checking out your roof from the ground. Walk around your house and look for any noticeable damage to gutters, eaves, and soffits. Is the roofline sagging at all? Do your shingles look a little worse for the wear? What about moss growth or debris?
What to look for:
- Bent or missing gutters
- Damaged eaves and soffits
- Shingles that are loose and flapping, missing, curled, or cracked
- Sagging roofline
- Moss
- A large amount of debris
Up-Top Perspective
From atop the roof, you can get a closer look at shingle damage as well as the condition of gutters. Take note if gutters are clogged, but don’t assume they just need a good cleaning. Be sure to check if there are any pieces of shingle or shingle granules in the gutters, which is a sign your roof may be ready for replacement.
While you’re up there, pay special attention to the roof flashing. This is what protects the transition areas of your roof such as around chimneys, skylights, and roof valleys where the slope of your roof changes. Flashing that is missing or damaged can allow moisture to get underneath shingles and cause rotting and structural issues. Definitely not good!
You should also check that the rubber and seals around pipes and your roof boot are in good condition; look for signs of animal intrusion, like nests or chewed areas; and inspect your chimney for any damage that may keep it from working properly.
What to look for:
- Damaged or missing shingles
- Clogged gutters
- Compromised flashing and seals
- Signs of rot
- Animal intruders
- Chimney damage
Roof Inspection Complete! Now What?
Hooray, you marked that roof inspection off your to-do list. That’s great! But now what do you do? Well, despite what you might think, you don’t just move on to the next thing on your list — looks like you can put off the septic tank cleaning just a bit more. You’re welcome.
Unless your inspection passed with flying colors, what you need to do now is fix some things. Remember, the sooner you address issues, the better! First, decide whether you are willing — and more importantly, able — to make any needed repairs on your own.
If you prefer professional help, and even if you prefer professionals to do the actual inspection, you can count on Werner Roofing. We’ll come out and evaluate your roof’s condition at no cost, make recommendations for maintenance or repair, and provide you with a free estimate to get your roof in top condition. Give us a call to schedule a roof inspection, repairs, or if need be, replacement by dialing 616-844-5382 today.

How do you know when it’s time for a new roof? The only way to be sure of your residential roof’s current condition is to have a licensed professional personally inspect it. Werner Roofing is proud to offer free roof inspections for every client, so you can be sure of your roof’s condition. Every Werner Roofing inspection comes complete with our promise: “We won’t recommend or sell a roof replacement unless it’s necessary.”