Since every policy is different, it can be difficult to find answers. From the roofing experts at Werner Roofing, here’s a list of answers to all your home insurance and roof repair FAQs!
How Much of the Cost Will My Home Insurance Cover?
It depends. Sometimes you’ll receive reimbursement for the cost of a completely new roof, while other times you’ll only get enough to cover some of it. Your insurer will mainly base their decision on these factors:
- Your policy’s specifications – Your policy may specify an extent to which you can be reimbursed.
- The age of your roof – If your roof is on the older side, it may decrease the amount of reimbursement you are given.
- The extent of your roof damage – If it’s a small project, they may only pay for that project.
How Do I Start a Claim for Damage?
Filing an insurance claim doesn’t need to be complicated, as long as you are prepared and aware of the process. Here’s an outline of steps to follow while filing your claim:
- Start the claim filing process as soon as you suspect or find a problem with your roof. Waiting could result in further damage that may not be covered.
- Document your home’s condition. Take some well-lit, clear photos of the damage caused — even better if you have some “before” photos to compare them to.
- Call your insurance agent. They’ll help you understand your policy, and they’ll help set you up with a roofing contractor to figure out necessary repairs, the cost to fix them, and the project process.
- Make temporary repairs if needed. If there is anything that needs to be fixed immediately in order to protect your home and yourself, do it. For example,if your home has a big leak, definitely do something to at least prevent further damage until you can get an expert out. Your insurance provider may reimburse you for any costs necessary.
- Get a settlement offer from your insurance provider. This is the final “contract” with how much you will be reimbursed for damage repair. If you’re unhappy with the offer, you can ask your insurance provider to review the claim based on new documentation.
Does the Age of My Roof Affect Whether My Home Insurance Covers It?
The age of your roof doesn’t typically determine if your roof repairs will be covered, but rather how much of your roof repairs will be covered.
Typically, roofs older than 10 years will receive a lower reimbursement. Roofs older than 20 years now normally require a roof assessment upon policy renewal.
What Costs Are Usually Covered By My Home Insurance?
Generally speaking, any roof damage caused by natural disasters should be covered by your home insurance. However, this can vary from situation to situation. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of coverage based on circumstance.
Does Home Insurance Cover a Leaking Roof?
Depending on the cause of your roof leak, your home insurance may or may not cover the cost or repair. If the leak is caused by a storm and you catch it, document it, and get it assessed promptly, the repairs will most likely be covered.
However, if the leak has been there a while, and there is no proof of a natural disaster causing it, it probably won’t be covered. In the eyes of the insurance company, there’s too much likelihood it could be due to normal wear and tear or a lack of maintenance.
Does Home Insurance Cover Hail Damage?
Yes, hail damage is usually covered by home insurance policies.
However, there are some areas around the country where hailstorms occur more frequently. In those areas, some insurance providers will either limit their hail coverage or charge more for the policy to accommodate for the higher risk involved. Although this isn’t the norm, check with your policy and see what its specifications are.
Does Home Insurance Cover Storm Damage?
Yes, storm damage is usually covered by home insurance policies. Damage from most types of storms, from lightning to hurricanes to tornadoes is covered.
However, floods and earthquakes are the outliers here. Damage from either of these isn’t always covered by a standard home insurance policy. If you live in an area that is at high-risk for one of those, you may need to get a specialized policy that accommodates for that risk.
Does Home Insurance Cover Wind Damage?
Yes, wind damage is usually covered by home insurance policies. Depending on how much of your roof is lost, they may only pay to replace a few shingles or pay for an entirely new roof.
Does Home Insurance Cover Fallen Tree Damage?
Yes, damage caused by fallen trees or debris is usually covered by home insurance policies. Also, any other damage that results from the fallen object will probably be covered as well. For example, if a tree falls on your home and causes interior flooding, the flooding damages may be covered.
However, this all depends on the condition of the tree before it fell. If it fell completely due to a storm, it will be covered. If the tree was in poor condition (e.g. rotting) due to negligence, then insurance probably won’t cover it.
Does Home Insurance Cover Normal Wear and Tear?
No, home insurance doesn’t cover the costs of repair for your roof’s normal wear and tear. Your roof will age and require regular maintenance to keep it functioning properly and looking nicely, but you’ll have to pay for that upkeep yourself.
If you’re stressed about dealing with insurance for roof repairs, let the Werner Roofing experts take care of the repairs. We’ll coordinate with your insurance adjuster to help you get maximum coverage and make sure your roof is repaired thoroughly, so you can feel safe at home again. Give our team a call or contact us online to get started.

How do you know when it’s time for a new roof? The only way to be sure of your residential roof’s current condition is to have a licensed professional personally inspect it. Werner Roofing is proud to offer free roof inspections for every client, so you can be sure of your roof’s condition. Every Werner Roofing inspection comes complete with our promise: “We won’t recommend or sell a roof replacement unless it’s necessary.”