Having your roof inspected by a professional at least once a year is important to ensure that your roof will be able to last your as long as possible. An annual roof inspection consists of checking the roof flashing, looking for missing or damaged shingles, checking for leaks, and addressing any other maintenance issues that may arise. Here are a couple things to remember when you are considering your annual roof inspection.

– Be sure to schedule ahead of time. This will ensure that you have a guaranteed appointment and you will not be struggling to get an inspection right before the winter months.

– If there are any issues that are discovered during your roof inspection such as leaks, damaged shingles, or problems with the roof flashing. Be sure to try and get these fixed as soon as possible. Getting a small repair taken care of early can help you avoid a more costly repair down the road.

At Werner & Sons Roofing we would be more than happy to schedule a roof inspection for your or repair and problems you may have big or small. Feel free to give us a call at 616-638-4662 today to schedule an appointment.


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