Spring Roof Maintenance & Repair Guide

Spring Roof Maintenance & Repair Guide

Spring has sprung, but hopefully not any leaks in your roof! 

They say April showers bring May flowers, but unfortunately they can also bring damage to your shingles, adding wear and tear to your roof after it’s already endured winter’s wrath! That’s why now is the perfect time to assess your roof for any winter damage before those spring storms make anything worse. 

Here is a complete guide to spring roof maintenance and repairs so you can nip problems in the bud (Get it? Spring. Bud.😉)

Did Winter Take its Toll on Your Roof?

In Michigan, we’re used to an abundance of ice and snow, but those harsh winter conditions can wreak havoc on your roof. Ice dams and snow accumulation can trap moisture under shingles causing rot and leaks, and gutters can fill with ice and debris, adding to the problems. 

Take advantage of milder weather to check out the condition of your roof and identify any issues that need to be addressed, such as loose shingles or clogged gutters. Also, look for signs of leakage in your attic, like water stains or mold. Oh, and assess the ventilation and insulation while you’re at it.

The Importance of Spring Roof Maintenance

If Old Man Winter was not kind to your roof, it’s best to deal with problems as soon as possible. Even a small leak can result in a large amount of damage, and come summer, you could have more than just a growing water problem on your hands — your bills will likely be growing right along with it. 

Roof issues left unresolved can result in difficulty keeping the elements out and the cool, comfortable air in, and that means higher bills — thanks a lot, Old Man! 

In addition, spring roof maintenance is essential for keeping your roof in its best possible condition which will extend its life, protecting your investment, as well as your home and family.

The Most Common Spring Roof Repairs 

To-do’s this time of year often include plenty of yard work and cleaning, but if you’ve spotted any issues with your roof, be sure to add these spring roof repairs to the list. 

Clogged Gutters

Sticks, leaves, dirt, and other debris can accumulate in your gutters and downspouts throughout the winter, which will definitely inhibit their ability to deal with spring showers. Make sure you clear the clogs and clean your gutters so they’re ready for whatever the spring brings next.

Loose or Missing Shingles 

Harsh weather conditions can often result in loose or missing shingles, revealed when the ice and snow melt away. It’s important to remove loose shingles and replace them along with any that are missing ASAP to avoid any leaking or other problems.

If you are handy and know how to get on your roof safely, you can make shingle repairs on your own, or you can call in the pros to take care of it. Either way, move it to the top of that to-do list of yours!


Fixing leaks is another necessity that should be at the top of your fix-it list. Water damage can cause all sorts of problems over time, including rot, mold, and mildew, and premature deterioration of your roof. Take note of where you spot water stains and mold so you can locate the source and stop the leaking before it gets worse, not to mention more costly.

Poor Insulation

Attic leaks often go hand-in-hand with poor insulation. If you noticed icicles forming on your roof over the winter, your house felt drafty or temperatures fluctuated between rooms, and the kicker: your energy bills were, well, through the roof, then you likely have some insulation issues. It’s time to add or replace old insulation to keep your house comfy and your wallet happy.

Mark Spring Roof Repair Off Your To-Do List!

With spring right around the corner, it’s time to give your roof a checkup. The quickest way to get this done is to give Werner Roofing a call! Dial 616-844-5382, or contact us online for a free inspection. We can find and fix any problems winter left behind, and are here for all your roofing needs.

roofing contractor


How do you know when it’s time for a new roof? The only way to be sure of your residential roof’s current condition is to have a licensed professional personally inspect it. Werner Roofing is proud to offer free roof inspections for every client, so you can be sure of your roof’s condition. Every Werner Roofing inspection comes complete with our promise: “We won’t recommend or sell a roof replacement unless it’s necessary.” 

A Homeowner’s Roof Inspection Checklist

A Homeowner’s Roof Inspection Checklist

When it comes to the upkeep of your home, a roof inspection probably ranks right up there with getting your septic tank cleaned out. Unfortunately, putting this chore off can have just as damaging, albeit not quite as pungent, consequences. 


A regular inspection of your roof is necessary and important to catch problems early, which can save you costly repairs later down the road, as well as lengthen the lifespan of your roof, thus extending the amount of time before you need to replace it. 

Regular roof checks also ensure your house, and everything in it (including your family!) remains protected. Those are some pretty big reasons not to keep pushing that roof inspection to the bottom of your to-do list! 

So, without further ado, here’s a complete homeowner’s roof inspection checklist. Keep it handy and use it annually to keep your roof and home safe and sound. 

Inside Roof Inspection

Before you head outside, take a look around at your ceiling and walls. Do you see any dark stains or circles? These are water spots and a sure sign you have a leak somewhere. Check the attic for mold or additional dark areas which indicate that moisture is coming in through the decking under your roof. 

Another warning sign to look for is sagging between rafters. If you see light coming through anywhere while you’re inspecting your roof from the inside, you definitely have a hole in your roof that needs immediate repair. You should also check to make sure your roof’s ventilation is clean and clear.  


What to look for:


  • Water damage — dark spots or circles
  • Mold
  • Sagging ceiling/decking in attic
  • Light coming in through attic rafters
  • Obstructions in roof ventilation


Outside Roof Inspection

View From the Ground

Start by checking out your roof from the ground. Walk around your house and look for any noticeable damage to gutters, eaves, and soffits. Is the roofline sagging at all? Do your shingles look a little worse for the wear? What about moss growth or debris?


What to look for:

  • Bent or missing gutters
  • Damaged eaves and soffits
  • Shingles that are loose and flapping, missing, curled, or cracked
  • Sagging roofline
  • Moss
  • A large amount of debris

Up-Top Perspective

From atop the roof, you can get a closer look at shingle damage as well as the condition of gutters. Take note if gutters are clogged, but don’t assume they just need a good cleaning. Be sure to check if there are any pieces of shingle or shingle granules in the gutters, which is a sign your roof may be ready for replacement

While you’re up there, pay special attention to the roof flashing. This is what protects the transition areas of your roof such as around chimneys, skylights, and roof valleys where the slope of your roof changes. Flashing that is missing or damaged can allow moisture to get underneath shingles and cause rotting and structural issues. Definitely not good! 

You should also check that the rubber and seals around pipes and your roof boot are in good condition; look for signs of animal intrusion, like nests or chewed areas; and inspect your chimney for any damage that may keep it from working properly.


What to look for:

  • Damaged or missing shingles
  • Clogged gutters
  • Compromised flashing and seals
  • Signs of rot
  • Animal intruders
  • Chimney damage

Roof Inspection Complete! Now What?

Hooray, you marked that roof inspection off your to-do list. That’s great! But now what do you do? Well, despite what you might think, you don’t just move on to the next thing on your list — looks like you can put off the septic tank cleaning just a bit more. You’re welcome. 

Unless your inspection passed with flying colors, what you need to do now is fix some things. Remember, the sooner you address issues, the better! First, decide whether you are willing — and more importantly, able — to make any needed repairs on your own. 

If you prefer professional help, and even if you prefer professionals to do the actual inspection, you can count on Werner Roofing. We’ll come out and evaluate your roof’s condition at no cost, make recommendations for maintenance or repair, and provide you with a free estimate to get your roof in top condition. Give us a call to schedule a roof inspection, repairs, or if need be, replacement by dialing 616-844-5382 today. 

roofing contractor


How do you know when it’s time for a new roof? The only way to be sure of your residential roof’s current condition is to have a licensed professional personally inspect it. Werner Roofing is proud to offer free roof inspections for every client, so you can be sure of your roof’s condition. Every Werner Roofing inspection comes complete with our promise: “We won’t recommend or sell a roof replacement unless it’s necessary.” 

How to Get On Your Roof Safely

How to Get On Your Roof Safely

How to Get on Your Roof Safely

Hey, we get it. We understand there are some times when you might need to get up on your roof. Maybe it’s to remove some branches or clean your gutters. Perhaps you wish to make some minor repairs, take down your Christmas lights before the Fourth of July, or heck, even retrieve a kite or rescue your cat. We know stuff pops up that doesn’t necessarily seem like it requires a pro, but this isn’t your average “take out the garbage” chore. This can be dangerous. That’s why we created these guidelines to ensure you know how to get on your roof safely, not to mention get back down!

Don’t Go it Alone

It’s always wise to have someone spot and assist you if you’re getting on a roof. Ask (or bribe!) a friend or family member to help out by holding the ladder and hoisting up any tools you happen to forget. That way, you won’t have to go up and down the ladder to retrieve what you need. It’s also smart for the simple reason that someone else is there who can get help in case of an emergency.  

Wait for the Right Weather 

Never just decide to venture up without checking the forecast first. Make sure the weather is appropriate — not windy or wet! You don’t want to take the chance of being knocked off your feet or slipping and falling, so if it’s not a dry and calm day, check something else off your to-do list instead.  

Dress for Success

When you’re getting on your roof, it’s super important to wear the right shoes, with rubber soles and good traction. No bare feet or flip-flops allowed! A good tool belt is key as it will save you from trying to carry tools while navigating the ladder, and leather gloves can help you keep a good grip on things. 

This may seem over the top, but it’s also a good idea to equip yourself with a safety harness, especially if your roof is high or steep. Even if you’re only up there for a short time, it can save you from serious consequences if you happen to slip or trip on something. Temporary toeholds are also a good investment. They can help you keep your steps steady and can be removed when the job is done. You can typically find these things at your neighborhood hardware store.  

Climb Carefully

Perhaps one of the most important tips of all is to make sure you have a good, sturdy ladder and are using it safely and correctly. 

  • Place your ladder on level, dry, and firm ground, or set a board beneath it. The ladder should extend several feet above the roof. 
  • A good rule of thumb is for every 4 feet of ladder, you should move the base 1 foot from the house
  • Avoid leaning the ladder against gutters so it doesn’t slide at the top or cause any damage, and pick a place away from powerlines. 
  • Next, have your partner hold the ladder for extra stability. 
  • Always face the ladder and when you start to climb, be sure to keep three points of contact on the ladder at all times — both hands and one foot or both feet and one hand. 
  • When you reach the roof, hold onto the top of the ladder with both hands and step around, not over it. 

Step Safely

Congratulations, you’re on the roof! Now, be sure to move slowly and carefully, check that each step you take is stable before proceeding. Before you move forward, make sure the path before you is clean and hazard-free. Take your time and of course, don’t get too close to the edge.

Repeat in Reverse

Whether it’s right away because you’ve decided this wasn’t the best idea you’ve ever had, or if it’s after you’ve accomplished what you set out to do, when the time comes to head back down, let your partner know to spot you. Next, descend the same way you went up — holding the top of the ladder with both hands, stepping around and then down, facing the ladder, and maintaining three points of contact until you’re safely on the ground. Then, hope you didn’t forget anything up there and go get your partner the cold one you promised! 


Rather Not Get On Your Roof At All?

If you don’t feel that climbing up on your roof safely is something you can physically do, or the thought of being up so high and walking on a sloping surface gives you the heebie-jeebies, not to worry. We’ve got your back! For repairs, inspection, maintenance, and replacement, just give us a call at 616-844-5382 or connect with us online today.  

What to do About Winter Roof Leaks?

What to do About Winter Roof Leaks?

So it’s winter, and your roof is leaking. What do you do? While there may be some repairs that have to wait until spring, some winter roof leaks need to be repaired as soon as possible.

Here are some common problems that could be causing a winter roof leak and what to do about it.

Causes of Winter Roof Leaks

Winter roof leaks can be a serious problem. A few of the common culprits are ice dams, clogged gutters, condensation, and damaged shingles.

Ice Dams

Ice dams occur when snow melts and travels down the slope of your roof, then cools and refreezes at the eaves, creating thick ridges of ice. These ridges block water and snow from moving off your roof, which then refreeze as a new layer. Eventually, water can travel backwards underneath your roof’s shingles, where it can enter your home as a leak. If ice dams aren’t removed, they can cause serious damage to your roof and home’s structure.

Clogged Gutters

If your gutters become blocked with ice, leaves, or dirt, then they can’t effectively drain water, ice, and snow away from your roof. Similar to ice dams, clogged gutters can cause water to back up and seep under your shingles, and cause your roof to start leaking in winter.

Attic Condensation

When warm, humid air from your home rises in the winter, it reaches the attic and cools, creating condensation. If too much condensation forms, it can have serious consequences for the health of your roof and even cause winter roof leaks. Excess water in your attic from condensation can also cause mildew, mold, or rot.

Damaged Shingles

Cracked, damaged or missing shingles can also be a cause of winter roof leaks. If your roof was damaged in a storm due to high winds, hail, or a falling tree branch, it could have removed shingles and left your roof deck exposed to water. For this reason, it’s important to inspect your roof after a storm, and make sure the shingles are secure before winter weather sets in.

What to Do if Your Roof is Leaking in Winter

If you notice your roof leaking in winter, what can you do? The key is to identify the problem early, then call a professional to repair it, or offer you a temporary solution and schedule the repair for spring.

Catch Winter Roof Leaks Early

The key to resolving problems with your roof is identifying them quickly, before they cause more damage. In winter, it’s especially important to spot leaks early. Signs of winter roof leaks include water stains on interior or exterior walls, water dripping from the ceiling or through ventilating fans, and condensation on skylights. These are all indicators that something is going on with your roof, causing it to leak or become susceptible to leaks. 

Call a Professional

If you notice any sign your roof is leaking in winter, it’s best to call a professional roofer to inspect the damage and recommend the best course of action. If the fix involves working on your roof, serious repairs will likely have to wait until spring, when it’s safer for the roofer and your roof. 

Find a Temporary Solution

Your roofer may be able to suggest a short term solution or perform a temporary repair until they can return with a crew to fix the problem for good. For example, ice dams might indicate that your roof needs additional ventilation and insulation to prevent recurring leaks. While they may not be able to get onto your roof until spring, they can remove existing ice dams and use fans to help regulate the temperature in your attic.

Have you discovered a leak in your roof this winter? Don’t worry — Werner Roofing can help. Give us a call to talk to one of our roofing experts today.

roofing contractor


How do you know when it’s time for a new roof? The only way to be sure of your residential roof’s current condition is to have a licensed professional personally inspect it. Werner Roofing is proud to offer free roof inspections for every client, so you can be sure of your roof’s condition. Every Werner Roofing inspection comes complete with our promise: “We won’t recommend or sell a roof replacement unless it’s necessary.” 

Your Complete Guide to GAF Roofing Shingles

Your Complete Guide to GAF Roofing Shingles

GAF offers a number of industry-leading shingle options for every homeowner. From their award-winning Timberline roofing shingles to their affordable 3-tab shingles, let’s take a look at the lineup in our guide to GAF roofing shingles.

Guide to GAF Roofing Shingles

Depending on your style and budget, GAF offers the best roofing shingles in the industry. Their best selling products include the high-performance Timberline roofing shingles, the premium Designer roofing shingles, and the economical 3-tab roofing shingles.

GAF Timberline Roofing Shingles

GAF’s Timberline series of roofing shingles are architectural shingles that outperform the competition in durability, protection, and style. Made with multiple layers of durable asphalt material, these shingles are made to balance the newest in roofing technology with a classic dimensional look and feel — at a practical price for the average homeowner.

GAF Designer Roofing Shingles

GAF’s Designer shingles are a premium option for those homeowners looking for the highest quality protective shingle with the added aesthetic features of a multidimensional, textured appearance. They are designed to mimic the old world feel of classic materials like shakes or tiles, without the weight or inefficiency. GAF’s Designer roofing shingles are the luxury roofing option that offers the best protection on the market.

GAF 3-Tab Roofing Shingles

3-tab shingles are perfect for homeowners looking for a high quality shingle option that is affordable and effective. GAF’s 3-tab shingles are made with fewer layers of asphalt than their Designer or Timberline shingles to reduce costs, but employ the same protective technology that keeps your roof, home, and family safe from the elements.

Why We Love GAF Roofing Shingles

Even when compared with other roofing material competitors, GAF products win because of their total protection system and comprehensive warranty options. 

GAF Roofing Shingles Total Protection System

Roofers love to work with GAF products because they provide everything the roofer needs for their complete project. The GAF total protection system includes leak barriers, ridge caps, deck protection, attic ventilation vents and more. All of the components in the system work together to protect your roof — which protects your roofing contractor’s work. Roofers love working with products they trust, and they trust the quality of the GAF roofing system.

GAF Roofing Shingles Warranty

When you choose to install three or more items from the GAF total protection system, you are automatically eligible for the enhanced GAF warranties, which protects your roof for 10-15 years. Also, if you have your roof installed by a GAF certified factory roofing installer, you may qualify for even better warranty coverage, which extends the length of your warranty and protects you against defects and installation errors.

GAF Master Elite Certification

To become a GAF Master Elite certified roofing installer, roofers must undergo extensive training with GAF products, have a high positive customer approval rating and commit to ongoing professional development to hone their craft. Only 3% of roofing companies are able to reach this certification level, and are capable of giving out the best service and warranties GAF can provide. 

If you’re considering using products like GAF’s Timberline roofing shingles or other products from their total protection system, choose a GAF Master Elite certified roofing installer to make sure your roof receives the highest workmanship to go with its superior materials. 

Got your eye on a specific line of GAF roofing shingles? Let us know! Werner Roofing is a GAF Master Elite certified roofing installer and has achieved President’s Club status for the 7th year in a row, which means we have exclusive installation access to all of GAFs best product lines and offer the best warranty on the market, the Golden Pledge. We’d be happy to install the GAF Shingles you love most. 

roofing contractor


How do you know when it’s time for a new roof? The only way to be sure of your residential roof’s current condition is to have a licensed professional personally inspect it. Werner Roofing is proud to offer free roof inspections for every client, so you can be sure of your roof’s condition. Every Werner Roofing inspection comes complete with our promise: “We won’t recommend or sell a roof replacement unless it’s necessary.” 

5 Reasons Why Regular Roof Maintenance is So Important

5 Reasons Why Regular Roof Maintenance is So Important

We’re told by our doctors about the importance of annual physicals, flu shots, vaccinations, and checkups. Preventative care is just as important for maintaining our health as it is for our home’s roof. Just like our bodies, your home’s roof needs regular maintenance to keep it healthy and working in optimal condition. Here are five reasons why regular roof maintenance is so important.

#1 Roof Maintenance Extends the Life of Your Roof

Your roof is a big investment and maintaining it can actually extend the life of your roof, which protects your investment in your home. Think of it like a flu shot. It doesn’t take a lot of time, but then you’re protected for a whole season and you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with it. When you spend a little on regular roof maintenance, your roof will last longer before it needs replacing, which makes your money go a lot further.

#2 Roof Maintenance Keeps Your Family Safe

Your home’s roof is what stands between your family and the elements. It’s important to maintain that barrier to protect your family from obvious dangers like weather events, falling tree branches, or excess moisture which could lead to mold — but also the less-obvious protections that keep your family healthy, safe and warm. For example, regular roof maintenance like insulation inspection makes sure your home is retaining heat which prevents energy waste and saves your family money. 

#3 Roof Maintenance Keeps Your House Safe

Your home’s roof not only protects the contents of your home, but it also acts as a layer of defense for the elements of the structure itself. If your roof is well-maintained, you’re also maintaining the supporting beams, the rafters, the walls and the foundation, which keeps your home safer and extends its life. If the roof were to fail due to neglect or skipped maintenance tasks, it would put the rest of your home at risk.

#4 Regular Roof Maintenance Saves You Money

Regular roof maintenance year after year will actually save you money over the course of your roof’s life. This isn’t just because maintenance extends the life of your roof. It’s also because the cost of maintenance or small repairs is less when problems are detected early. They only get seriously expensive when significant damage has occurred when a problem is left too long. 

For example, if you notice ice dams forming on your roof in the winter, but don’t perform the small maintenance tasks of insulating and ventilating your roof, that small repair could turn into a big one when your roof starts leaking and causes water damage. Preventative care for your roof will pay off in the long run when you save yourself the expense of serious repairs or early roof replacement. 

#5 Roof Maintenance Protects Your Home’s Value

A well-maintained roof not only looks and performs better, it also sustains your home’s value. Better curb appeal alone will fetch a better price when you decide to sell your home, but regular roof maintenance makes your home more valuable to a buyer, who can trust its quality and protective ability.

Regular Roof Maintenance Tasks

These roof maintenance tasks should be completed annually by a professional roofer to check for damage and assess your roof’s condition and performance:

  • Examine roof for stains, peeling or missing shingles
  • Inspect pipe boots for cracks or damage
  • Check for evidence of pests or animals
  • Remove debris from roof and gutters
  • Make sure roof ventilation is working properly
  • Inspect flashing and caulking for potential leaks
  • Sweep and inspect chimney

Regular roof maintenance makes the difference between an expensive, leaking, eyesore, and a protective, attractive barrier on your home. Completing the necessary tasks every year will ensure your roof lasts a long time and continues to perform at optimal efficiency.

If it’s time to get your roof checked and regular roof maintenance completed, don’t put it off. Schedule your roof maintenance with your local roofing company to make sure your roof is in good condition and protecting your home and your family the way it should. If it’s been some time since your roof has had an inspection or any upkeep, talk to the Werner Roofing team.

roofing contractor


How do you know when it’s time for a new roof? The only way to be sure of your residential roof’s current condition is to have a licensed professional personally inspect it. Werner Roofing is proud to offer free roof inspections for every client, so you can be sure of your roof’s condition. Every Werner Roofing inspection comes complete with our promise: “We won’t recommend or sell a roof replacement unless it’s necessary.”